Monday 26 March 2012


Common Name : Beddome's Cat Snake (Mildly Venomous)
Scientific Name : Boiga Beddomei

Distribution : Commonly Found in the Western Ghats From Maharastra To Kerela and Tamil Nadu, And Orissa

Description : Body Long, Thin And laterally Flat, Scales Smooth. Head Much Broader Than The Neck, Large Eye Has vertical Pupil, Brown Above With A Series Of Dark Brown Marks. Stripe From Behind The Eye To Angle Of the Mouth. Underside White, Lightly peppered with dark brown spots. outer edge of the belly scales has black lines

Behaviour : Though Arboreal, Often seen on ground, especially along the forest road. spends The day coiled up in standings, dead bamboo, tree hollows or understones. this one found in dead bamboo. Eats Geckos and lizards. Mildly venomous, can paralyse the part of the bite. if provoked, forms forebody into loops and strikes repeatedly and vibrates tail

                                                          Dendrelaphis Girii

Description : Long, Slender, Smooth-scaled. Head Elongate, Distinctly broader than the neck, Snout and bluntly rounded. Large Eye has Round Pupil. Tail Very long and thin. Belly Scales And Those undertail have outer edges sharply folded upward. Side of the body has broad cream or yellow stripe. bold black streak on side of the head from snout tip continuous onto the neck. Lip Scaled Yellow or white. Underside Yellowish White, pale Bluish. Has Bright Red Tongue. 

Behaviour : Diurnal. Arboreal, found in low bushes and trees.Feeds On frogs and Lizards. Ocassionally Eats Small Snakes and Small Birds. Extremely Fast. Can Leap From Branches To Branches. If Provoked, Expands The Neck And Forebody To Show Blue Spots At Lower Edge Of Each Scale


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